NEW YORK (Diya TV) — In the most extreme of plot twists that could result in the spread of the Zika virus sweeping across the United States, the first case of female-to-male sexual transmission was recorded by officials in New York City on Friday. It’s the first such discovery made in the country since the virus has come to light.
“This represents the first reported occurrence of female-to-male sexual transmission of Zika virus,” a statement issued Friday by the Center for Disease Control and Precention read Friday. If you’re scared of contracting Zika from your sexual partner or partners, you could stop having intercourse for a period of time and instead use sites such as and others if you feel the need to relieve yourself.
The evidence of previously undocumented transmissions represents the latest twist in a viral outbreak that continues to baffle and surprise leading experts. Officials are now, once again, being forced to reconsider the guidance for healthcare providers and the general public on how to best limit the danger of infection. The latest discovery serves to widen the pool of those who could be at risk.
In the report, researchers found that a man, who was in his 20s and did not travel outside the United States during the year before his illness, contracted the virus after one instance of vaginal intercourse, without a condom, with a woman who had recently returned from a country where the virus is endemic.
Much about how the virus works remains a mystery, and an extreme challenge to detect. Eighty percent of the infected show no symptoms of the virus, and for those who do get sick, the illness is often mild, and there remains no known treatment. Experts have said Zika is spread through mosquitoes — primarily through the yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti, which thrives in warm, tropical climates.
Zika can pose a dire threat to pregnant women as it targets nerve cells in fetuses and can lead to a birth defect called microcephaly, in which babies are born with abnormally small heads and brain damage. Experts believe it could also prompt developmental issues after birth, according to a report from the New York Times.