WASHINGTON (Diya TV) — During a 24-hour session on the floor of the Senate, Democrats on Monday night thru Tuesday morning protested the nomination of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, who was confirmed shortly after.

To California Sen. Kamala Harris, the billionaire Republican from Michigan lacks the basic knowledge of American schools. Harris opposed the nomination, and voted against DeVos during Tuesday’s historic confirmation hearing, where Vice President Mike Pence was forced to use his tiebreaking vote, the first such occurrence for a Cabinet nomination.

“Our country needs a secretary of Education who has demonstrated basic competency when it comes to issues facing children,” Harris, who previously served as California’s attorney general, said Monday night. “She cannot or will not uphold the law if she does not understand the law.”

After watching DeVos’ confirmation hearing, Harris said, “It was clear Ms. DeVos didn’t know the difference between two basic theories of testing.”

Harris also criticized DeVos’ unwillingness to enforce Title IX, which prohibits discrimination in education on the basis of sex, and “a complete lack of knowledge” about a major federal special education law. Her remarks were delivered during a 24-hour marathon stand-in by Democrats at the Capitol to debate DeVos’ nomination on the Senate floor — a failed last-ditch effort to secure the one additional Republican vote needed to derail her confirmation.

DeVos, a Republican fundraiser from Michigan, former state party chair and school choice activist, has faced the most scrutiny of any of the Trump Cabinet picks since her January confirmation hearing. She’s spent nearly her entire career advancing school vouchers, which would allow students to attend secular and religious private schools at the expense of the taxpayer. During her confirmation hearing, DeVos appeared to be unfamiliar with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, or IDEA, a major federal law that promises students with special needs will get an appropriate public education.

Harris called DeVos’ lack of knowledge about IDEA “unacceptable.”

DeVos further raised eyebrows after she said it’s up to states and districts to decide whether guns belong in schools, and said that a school in Montana might need a gun to protect against grizzly bears. Harris said DeVos “poses a far greater threat to public education” than grizzlies.

Harris cited DeVos’ strong support of the growth of largely unregulated charter schools in Michigan. “We cannot have someone who wants to lead our highest Department of Education who does not support the importance of oversight,” she said.