Nikki Haley
U.S. ambassador to the UN spoke with MSNBC’s Nicole Wallace and addressed the Article 5 conflict of President Trump’s recent remarks delivered to European members of NATO.

WASHINGTON (Diya TV) — Nikki Haley, the United States ambassador to the United Nations, said the U.S. remains firmly committed to the NATO alliance during a recent interview with MSNBC’s Nicole Wallace.

Haley’s remarks were delivered on the heels of President Donald Trump’s contentious speech delivered to European members of NATO, during which he declined to explicitly affirm his commitment to Article 5, an agreement which binds member countries to the collective defense of the alliance.

Wallace asked Haley “how the president’s reluctance to affirm our commitment to all for one, one for all at the NATO summit” affects Haley’s job of “shoulder to shoulder diplomacy.”

“Article 5 is something that we have always supported,” Haley said in response.

“Do you support it today?” Wallace asked in response.

“Yes, absolutely,” Haley said, adding that America’s policy is to completely support collective defense.

When asked why President Trump didn’t outright state that during his address to NATO members, Haley responding in saying “there’s a lot of things he didn’t say, and I think people are nitpicking at what he did say.”

“If it was a change in policy, he would have said it. It’s not a change in policy,” she continued. “So we’re going to continue to support our allies the way we always have.”

Haley added that she thought Trump’s trip was a productive one, contrary to the reports of German chancellor Angela Merkel’s cold-shouldering of the current administration, “Germany will see in time that we have the backs of our allies,” she said.

See video of the interview below: