Google CEO Sundar Pichai was reportedly made $100.5 million in 2015, Indians are the highest-paid among Asian-Americans.

SAN FRANCISCO (Diya TV) — One of the fastest growing racial groups in the U.S. is fittingly leading the charge economically as well — at least, collectively.

This is likely attributed to the sizable differences in education, wages and in the labor market among the 18 million Asian-Americans in the U.S., according to a recent study from the U.S. Labor Department. Their general success “can mask some really important differences in what’s going on within the subgroups,” said Keith Miller, a Labor Department economist and lead researcher on the study.

For example:

  • Last year, Filipinos working full time in the U.S. earned just 64% of the weekly median for Indians.

  • Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders were unemployed at more than twice the rate of Japanese.

  • Only a third of Vietnamese had a bachelor’s degree compared to that of 60 percent of Koreans.

The report, released this month, is part of a White House initiative on the so-called “AAPI” community and updates information released in 2011 and 2014. It pulls back the curtain on a group composed of more than 50 distinct ethnicities speaking more than 100 languages.

It was made in the hopes it would “be used as a tool for anyone who’s providing services to help them know where to efficiently target those services,” said Heidi Shierholz, the Labor Department’s chief economist.

Using data from the 2015 Current Population Survey by the U.S. Census Bureau, the Labor Department found that full-time, Indian-American workers had median and average weekly earnings of $1,346 and $1,464, respectively.

Interestingly, there were also differences between sexes. Male Indian-Americans had $1,500 as median weekly earnings, while females got $1,115 — a disparity of 26%.

The least difference of 4% was between male and female Japanese-Americans, who received $900 and $865, respectively, as median weekly earnings.