SAN FRANCISCO (Diya TV) — A lawsuit suing UC Berkeley for suppressing the students’ first amendment rights to free speech, was heard in the United States District Court for the Northern District of California.
The lawsuit, filed by Harmeet K. Dhillon of the Dhillon Law Group on behalf of the Young America’s Foundation and the Berkeley College Republicans was met with a motion to dismiss the lawsuit. However, Hon. Maxine Chesney asked the plaintiffs to filed an amended complaint.
“The University never banned any speech,” the university said in court documents. “Rather, UC Berkeley instituted permissible time-place-manner restrictions to address specific and credible security threats,” says court documents filed to dismiss the lawsuit.
“Young Americas Foundation and Berkeley College Republicans welcome the opportunity provided by Judge Chesney yesterday to amend our civil rights lawsuit to address the unconstitutionality of UC Berkeley’s most recent version of its evolving campus speech policy, in addition to the many issues addressed in the original complaint,” said Dhillon in a statement.
“Since we filed our lawsuit in April, we have learned many new facts about Berkeley’s misuse of its vague, often unwritten policies to marginalize certain viewpoints and content on campus. University officials continue to muse out loud about different ways that they can place limits on student organizations bringing in outside speakers — limitations that disproportionately impact those seeking to hear conservative voices on campus,” added the statement.
The statement says that UC Berkeley defendants’ lawyers “attempted to argue at the hearing that the First Amendment rights at issue here was not well settled, and that even if there were civil rights violations – which University officials admit outside the courtroom even as their lawyers deny them in court – the University and UCPD officials sued in our clients’ complaint are immune from suit.”
An amended complaint “with additional facts and allegations to frontally challenge UC Berkeley’s continued refusal to honor well-settled First and Fourteenth Amendment civil rights,” will be filed within 30 days according to the statement from Dhillon.
“We will not rest until student voices are equally free to speak and be heard on the UC Berkeley campus, regardless of their political viewpoint, or the content of their speech,” concluded the statement.