CLEVELAND, OH (Diya TV) — The South Carolina women’s basketball team will be remembered for all time after defeating Iowa in the national championship game, securing an undefeated season. Their triumph wasn’t just confined to the court; it captivated a record-breaking audience, marking a significant moment in women’s sports.

Facing off against a formidable Iowa team led by the talented Caitlin Clark, South Carolina emerged victorious with a score of 87-75. The win not only secured their third national title in seven seasons, but also solidified their status as a dominant force in women’s college basketball.

What set this victory apart was the staggering viewership it garnered. With 18.7 million people tuning in, the game became the most-watched basketball event, surpassing even professional leagues. This unprecedented level of interest underscores the growing popularity and importance of women’s athletics on a national scale.

The surge in viewership can be attributed to the captivating performances of standout athletes like Clark, whose exceptional talent and charisma have drawn widespread attention to the sport. Their influence extends beyond the court, inspiring fans and aspiring athletes alike and driving increased engagement in women’s basketball.