The Dow soared again Wednesday, skyrocketing past 21,000.

NEW YORK (Diya TV) — The Dow rallied 300 points to close over 21,000 for the first time in history Wednesday. The record comes a little after a month after the index hit 20,000 for the first time.

President Trump’s prime time joint address to Congress received glowing reviews from the TV audience, and has very clearly left Wall Street in a positive mood, too. The Dow generated its largest point gain since Nov. 7, a rally which followed the FBI’s announcement that Hillary Clinton had been cleared in the email investigation.

The speech provided little details on policy investors were likely seeking. Trump, in fact, provided fewer details on matters such as tax reform, Obamacare and further deregulation than many had expected. The key for Wall Street? Trump’s tone: he emitted a projection that sounded much more optimistic and presidential than previous speeches.

For example, President Trump asked members of Congress to “join me in dreaming big, and bold and daring things for our country.”

The Dow has now shot up 2,700 points since Trump’s dramatic November election victory.

And it only took 24 trading days for the Dow to go from 20,000 to 21,000. That figure ties a record set in 1999 for the shortest period between 1000-point milestones, according to Ryan Detrick of LPL Financial. Bank stocks have been among the biggest winners in the recent rallies, and that was true again Wednesday as the S&P financial sector rose to its highest level since the Great Recession began in late 2007.