WASHINGTON (Diya TV) — In a groundbreaking study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Dr. Subodh Verma, alongside researchers, delves into the underlying reasons behind the increased susceptibility of South Asians to heart disease compared to their white European counterparts. The findings shed light on a crucial factor contributing to this elevated risk: the diminished capacity for vascular repair and regeneration among South Asians.

Conducted over the course of a year, from January 2022 to January 2023, the study enrolled 60 South Asian and 60 white European adults with heart disease, diabetes, and at least one additional cardiovascular risk factor. Through meticulous analysis of blood samples and the utilization of specialized tests developed by the research team, significant disparities emerged.

South Asians, despite sharing similar cardiovascular risk profiles with their white European counterparts, displayed notably fewer key vascular regenerative and reparative cells. This deficiency in the ability to repair and regenerate blood vessels significantly amplifies the susceptibility of South Asians to a spectrum of cardiometabolic diseases, including heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.

Dr. Subodh Verma, co-lead of the study, emphasizes the pivotal role these findings play in unraveling the mystery behind why South Asians experience heart disease at younger ages and with greater severity. The study represents a crucial step forward in understanding the biological mechanisms underpinning the disproportionate burden of heart disease borne by South Asian populations.

Furthermore, the implications of this research extend beyond mere elucidation of risk factors; they pave the way for personalized interventions tailored to address the specific deficiencies in vascular repair observed among South Asians. By targeting impaired vessel repair and regeneration early on, healthcare professionals aim to intervene more effectively and potentially prevent the onset of cardiovascular complications.

The study underscores the urgent need to address the underlying biological mechanisms driving the elevated risk of heart disease in South Asians. Through further research and the implementation of targeted interventions, healthcare practitioners strive to mitigate the burden of cardiovascular disease in this population and improve overall heart health outcomes.