WISCONSIN (Diya TV) — President Joe Biden marked the 10-year anniversary of the mass shooting at the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin by highlighting the resilience of Oak Creek’s Sikh community and pointing to recent gun control efforts. The shooting killed seven people, including a priest who died from his injuries and left four others wounded. It was the deadliest attack on Sikh Americans in the nation’s history.

The Senate confirmed Indian American Roopali Desai to the 9th Circuit Appeals Court in San Francisco. However, her appointment by the Biden administration comes with some controversy. Desai serves on the board of a group that backed calls to defund police and wants to abolish prisons.

Controversial Indian journalist Rana Ayyub has been named a Pritzker Fellow at the University of Chicago’s Institute of Politics. She went on Twitter to say she hopes to discuss Indian democracy with leaders, diplomats, faculty and students.

Ravi Kapur contributed to this report.