LOS ANGELES (Diya TV) — Indian-Canadian filmmaker Nisha Pahuja has earned a prestigious nomination for her documentary, ‘To Kill a Tiger,’ in the Best Documentary Feature category at the 2024 Oscar Awards. The film, executive produced by Dev Patel and Mindy Kaling, explores the challenging journey of a Jharkhand family seeking justice for their teenage daughter’s brutal assault.
Pahuja, a professor at the University of Toronto, moved from India to Canada in the 1970s. Renowned for her previous work, including the award-winning ‘The World Before Her,’ she has become a notable figure in international documentary filmmaking. ‘To Kill a Tiger’ premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival and has since garnered 19 awards, including the Amplify Voices Award for Best Canadian Feature Film.
The documentary’s nomination underscores Pahuja’s impactful storytelling, focusing on the narrative of Ranjit, a father navigating the legal system to seek justice for his assaulted daughter. The Oscars ceremony, set for March 10, 2024, will be hosted by Jimmy Kimmel.
Expressing optimism about the film’s potential impact, Pahuja believes that the global attention from the Oscar nomination will attract more viewers to engage with ‘To Kill a Tiger.’ The documentary addresses sensitive topics, offering a profound exploration of love and resilience in the face of adversity.
In a world where documentaries often face tough competition, Pahuja’s work stands out, tackling a poignant and challenging subject matter. ‘To Kill a Tiger’ sheds light on the struggles of a family against community pressure as they fight for justice. The film, available for streaming on nfb.ca and the NFB app, invites viewers to delve into a compelling narrative that goes beyond the surface.
As the anticipation builds for the Oscars ceremony, Pahuja’s nomination is not only a personal achievement but also a recognition of the importance of storytelling in bringing attention to critical social issues. The global stage provided by the Oscars offers an opportunity for ‘To Kill a Tiger’ to reach a broader audience, fostering conversations and raising awareness about the challenges faced by survivors.