MILWAUKEE (Diya TV) — Below is transcription of Dr. Vivek Murthy’s address to the nation during the Democratic National Convention.
“I know it’s not typical for a former Surgeon General to speak at a convention. Surgeon Generals are appointed by Presidents, but our work isn’t about politics. Our highest duty to to the public. Our true guide is science. Our job is to speak the truth about public health, even when it’s controversial or perceived as political.
So here’s the truth, our nation absolutely has what it takes to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic that’s claimed tens of thousands of our loved ones. We have the telent, resources, and technology. What we’re missing is leadership. We need a leader who works with states to ensure that everyone who needs a test gets one and gets results quickly. A leader who secures a safe effective vaccine and distributes it quickly and fairly.
A leader who inspires us to practice distancing and wearing masks not as a political statement, but as a patriotic duty, a commitment, that we make to one another.
That’s why I’m here tonight. Not because of politics or for party, but because I know Joe Biden can be that leader.
I’ve worked with Joe Biden. I’ve seen who he is with no cameras around. How he sits with people in their pain and holds them in his heart. How he pours over COVID briefings asking smart questions. Letting science guide his way just as he did when managing the Ebola crisis. And six years ago when Joe Biden met my family, many of them immigrants in the nation’s capital, I saw how he kneeled beside my grandmother’s wheelchair, took her hands in his and said “Thank you for choosing us, the United States of America as the place to trust with your family.
Tonight as a father, son, and grandson, as a doctor who swore an oath, and as an American who loves my country, I can tell you that Joe Biden is the man I trust to look out for my family, and the leader I know will heal this nation.