California Attorney General and U.S. Senate candidate Kamala Harris.
California Attorney General and U.S. Senate candidate Kamala Harris.

SAN FRANCISCO (Diya TV) — California Attorney General and Senate candidate Kamala Harris said in a recent blistering attack on Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump that the nominee has a “unstable temperament,” and that his dangerous positions on foreign policy make him “unfit” for holding office at the White House.

Harris, who is seeking to become the first U.S. Senator of India-origin, said “Donald Trump is doubling down on his outrageous, dangerous rhetoric.”

“Most recently, he called for a ban on all Muslim immigrants and accused Muslim American communities of hiding terrorists,” Harris said in an email to her supporters.

The attorney is running for the Senate seat being vacated by Barbara Boxer, and is a personal friend of President Barack Obama. Currently, her election to the Senate is believed to be a forgone conclusion. The latest polls show Harris leading Loretta Sanchez, her closest competitor, by a whopping 25 points.

More from her email to supporters of her campaign:

“Just days before that, he claimed that a federal judge was biased against him, because of the judge’s Mexican heritage.

“We already know that Trump’s unstable temperament and dangerous policy positions make him unfit to hold any public office, but his latest comments make even more apparent Trump’s racism and incompetence.

“Trump can’t see beyond race, gender, and religion — and he doesn’t want to — not when it comes to the judiciary, not when it comes to women’s health, and not when it comes to civil liberties.”