PARIS (Diya TV) — Pavel Durov, the billionaire founder and CEO of Telegram, was arrested on Saturday at Le Bourget Airport outside Paris as part of an ongoing investigation into criminal activity on the messaging platform. French prosecutors confirmed that Durov, 39, was detained upon arrival from Azerbaijan on his private jet. He has not yet been formally charged but remains in custody, which could be extended until Wednesday as authorities delve deeper into the case.
The arrest stems from a probe initiated by the Paris prosecutor’s office on July 8, which is examining potential charges including complicity in the distribution of child pornography, drug trafficking, money laundering, and non-cooperation with law enforcement. The investigation is being handled by specialists in cybercrime and anti-fraud, according to Paris prosecutor Laure Beccuau. It remains unclear whether any of these charges will ultimately be brought against Durov, whose platform, Telegram, has long been scrutinized by law enforcement worldwide for its laissez-faire approach to content moderation .
Telegram, which boasts over 900 million users globally, has gained popularity for its strong stance on free speech and minimal content oversight. While this has made it a vital tool for communication in authoritarian regimes, it has also turned Telegram into a hub for illicit activities. Terrorist groups, drug traffickers, and extremists have been known to exploit the platform for recruitment, communication, and organizing, raising alarms among national governments and international organizations alike .
The arrest of Durov, who holds dual citizenship in France and the United Arab Emirates, has ignited a debate about the balance between free speech and the responsibilities of social media platforms. French President Emmanuel Macron addressed the controversy on Monday, refuting claims that the arrest was politically motivated or an act of censorship. “The arrest of the president of Telegram on French soil took place as part of an ongoing judicial investigation. It is in no way a political decision,” Macron stated, emphasizing France’s commitment to freedom of expression and communication .
Durov’s detention has also drawn the attention of the Russian government, given the strained relations between France and Russia due to the ongoing war in Ukraine. The Russian Embassy in France has requested clarification from French authorities and has sought consular access to Durov . This incident may further complicate diplomatic relations between the two countries.
The founder of VKontakte, Russia’s largest social network, Durov fled Russia in 2014 after resisting pressure to hand over data on Ukrainian users to Russian authorities. Since then, he has focused on growing Telegram, which has become a preferred platform for those seeking unfiltered news and communication, particularly in conflict zones like Ukraine and Gaza. Despite its popularity, Telegram’s light-touch moderation has raised concerns among researchers and law enforcement about its role in spreading misinformation, facilitating extremism, and enabling criminal activities .
Telegram has responded to the arrest by defending its practices, stating that it adheres to European Union laws and that its moderation efforts are on par with industry standards. “It is absurd to claim that a platform or its owner are responsible for abuse of that platform,” Telegram said in a statement, echoing Durov’s long-standing defense of the platform as a bastion of free speech.