WASHINGTON D.C. (Diya TV) – A day after House progressives sent a letter to President Biden urging him to change his approach to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the group abruptly changed course amid intense pushback from Democratic lawmakers. In a reversal, Indian American Representative Primila Jayapal took responsibility for the letter’s release, noting it was “drafted several months ago” and did not get vetted. Critics say the terms of the war should only be determined by the Ukrainian people.

Diwali celebrations continue across the U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken is hosting a Diwali reception at the State Department. He’ll be joined by Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom Rashad Hussain and Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs Deputy Assistant Secretary Nancy Izzo Jackson. Officials say the event underscores religious freedom as a key foreign policy priority of the United States

Two California State University professors are suing their employer as they try to prevent officials from enforcing a new caste discrimination policy that they say singles out students and staff who are Indian and Hindu. Professors Sunil Kumar and Praveen Sinha claim the new policy “seeks to define the Hindu religion as including ‘caste’ and an alleged oppressive and discriminatory caste system as foundational religious tenets.

Ravi Kapur contributed to this report.