WASHINGTON (Diya TV) — The bald eagle, an icon of American strength and freedom for generations, officially became the national bird on Christmas Eve when President Joe Biden signed a new law into effect. Even though it has long been featured on U.S. currency and the Great Seal, Congress never formally designated the bald eagle as the national bird until now.
Its white head, yellow beak, and broad wings made the majestic bird a true American icon and symbol ever since the nation was founded. Native to the country, the bald eagle in America was at the peril during the 20th century. Habitat loss coupled with declining food sources coupled with the extensive use of pesticide DDT pushed it toward extinction. By 1963, there were only 417 nesting pairs, as reported by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Serious efforts to save the bald eagle started after the U.S. banned DDT in 1972 and placed the bird on the endangered species list soon after. Conservationists, working in collaboration with government agencies, started large-scale programs for habitat protection and public awareness campaigns about the plight of the bird. These efforts paid off dramatically, and by 2007, the bald eagle population had surged to nearly 10,000 nesting pairs. That year, the species was officially removed from the endangered list, marking a significant milestone in U.S. wildlife conservation.
Today, the bald eagle population is doing well, with the Fish and Wildlife Service estimating hundreds of thousands of individuals around the country. Bald eagles are now seen in areas where they were previously scarce, including urban areas such as New York City. Popular “eagle cams,” providing live views of nesting sites, have captivated birdwatchers at locations such as Washington’s National Arboretum, U.S. Steel in Pennsylvania, and Big Bear Valley in California.
Legislation that made the bald eagle the national bird was proposed by Minnesota lawmakers, among them Sen. Amy Klobuchar. Minnesota has one of the largest bald eagle populations in the United States, which only shows how far the species has recovered.
“The bald eagle has always been a powerful symbol of our country’s resilience and spirit,” Klobuchar said in a statement. “This legislation ensures that its status as our national bird is recognized, just as it deserves.”
The bald eagle’s remarkable comeback from the brink of extinction is considered one of the greatest success stories in American wildlife conservation. The official designation as the national bird solidifies its place in the country’s heritage, celebrating both its cultural significance and the efforts made to protect it.