LOUISVILLE (Diya TV) – The UFC has been a promotion since 1993. Over 30 years, fighters have come and gone but none who have a win on their record has been of Indian descent. At long last, Puja Tomar has shattered that trend.

The first Indian fighter to pick up a win in the UFC, Tomar competes in the women’s strawweight division and took on Brazilian Rayanne Dos Santos in her debut. The fight lasted all three rounds and went to a split decision with Tomar winning all three rounds on two of the three judges’ scorecards, cementing herself as the winner. 

The bout was a huge moment for UFC’s marketing to India. Not only does the fanbase grow, but also the potential amount of fighters hailing from India should increase in the coming years. All it takes is one fighter to open the doors for more to follow suit and Tomar’s performance is encouraging towards this goal. 

“This win is for all Indian fans and all Indian fighters,” Tomar said following her victory. “There was no pressure, but inside, I’d think, ‘I have to win.’ To walk out with my Indian song and Indian flag, I had goosebumps. I feel so proud.”

Tomar’s next fight should occur soon but no date or opponent has been signed on yet. For the time being, history has been made and the ramifications of Tomar’s win could be huge for the UFC.