WASHINGTON DC (Diya TV) — As Indian Americans continue to jump into politics and public service, many will now be embracing their religion through the Hindu Democratic Coalition. The group plans on engaging and advocating on behalf of Hindu voters and trying to uplift their voices through policymaking and campaigning. The launch featured several prominent Hindu American Democratic legislators, alumni from the Clinton and Obama administrations, and representatives from the Democratic National Convention. 

The Ford Foundation has appointed Indian American Richard Verma to it’s Board of Trustees. Verma is currently a senior fellow at Harvard University’s Belfer Center for Science and International affairs and is a former Mastercard Executive. He already serves on a number of boards and commissions. 
7 year old Aadhyaa Aravind Shankar just became the first-ever Indian to win the Children’s Peace Image of the Year-Global Peace Photo Award. The award honors and acknowledges photographers from around the world whose pictures reflect human efforts towards a peaceful world.

Ravi Kapur contributed to this report.